Robert Andersson has been appointed by the board as the new CEO of Aqua Robur Technologies, in addition to his role as Sales Manager. Since 2021, he has been a crucial part of the company, successfully leading its expansion and increasing sales of monitoring solutions for water and wastewater systems. His extensive experience and strong leadership have played a vital role in Aqua Robur’s impressive growth and its establishment as a leading player in the market.
As Aqua Robur Technologies enters a new phase of strong growth, both domestically and internationally, Robert is prepared to lead the organization towards new successes as CEO. With a strong focus on customer-centric innovation and development, Robert will continue to ensure the company maintains its leading position in the water industry.
“Robert feels like the natural choice, given his deep understanding of the business and the organisation. His knowledge and experience will contribute significantly to both the commercial and overall development of the company. We wish Robert all the best in his new role. We also want to extend our sincere gratitude to Niklas Wicén for his dedicated leadership during his time as CEO.” says Aqua Robur Technologies Chairman, Marie Landfors.
“I am grateful to have been entrusted with leading the company into the next phase of continued growth and increased profitability. We have an exciting journey ahead of us as we see a strong increase in the need for digital solutions for monitoring water infrastructure,” says Robert Andersson.
For more information:
Robert Andersson
+46 705 17 87 10
Aqua Robur Technologies AB
Johan på Gårdas gata 5
412 50 Gothenburg