
Aqua Robur sammanfattar Berlin

Aqua Robur deltog på förra veckans WaterVent i Berlin – ett event där innovatörer träffar både branschen och investerare. Där pratade vi bland annat om vår egenutvecklade Energy Harvester – den enhet som gör det möjligt att mäta kritiska parametrar i ledningsnät med vattenflödet inuti rören som enda energikälla.

Full fart för Aqua Robur

Förra veckan var fullspäckad med intressanta kundmöten för Aqua Robur. Samtidigt medverkade vi på ExpoVA i fyra städer i norra Sverige tillsammans med Malthe Winje Automation AB.

Fulltecknad tillväxtrunda i Aqua Robur Technologies

Aqua Robur Technologies AB has recently raised a total of SEK 10 million through a fully subscribed new share issue. Both employees and existing shareholders demonstrated a strong willingness to invest. This lays a solid foundation for continued growth for Sweden’s leading player in IoT monitoring of water infrastructure. events.

Regnsäsongen är här

The rainy season is here, and the issue of rain measurement resurfaces among municipalities across the country, as it is often the first step in understanding the correlation between precipitation, stormwater, and overflow events.

Styrelsen i Aqua Robur Technologies utser Robert Andersson till ny VD

Robert Andersson tar över som VD i tillägg till rollen som säljchef för Aqua Robur Technologies.

Botkyrka kommun tar steg mot hållbar dagvattenhantering: utreder tillskottsvatten för att möta utmaningar

Facing the challenges of aging infrastructure and increasing water volumes, Botkyrka municipality in Stockholm is taking proactive measures in response to evolving conditions. The municipality is investing in advanced monitoring technologies, including the investigation of inflow and infiltrating water sources. This data-driven approach will enable Botkyrka to efficiently allocate resources and maximise benefits for its residents. […]

United Utilities Innovation Lab

Just before Christmas, we were at United Utilities in the UK, installing our Energy Harvester T2 in their testing environment as part of the Innovation Lab. With a seamless installation into the water pipes, the T2 harnesses water flow to generate energy, powering sensors that monitor the water network. On-site testing will continue until February, […]

Länsförsäkringar ny investerare i Aqua Robur Technologies

We are pleased to welcome Länsförsäkringar as a new investor in Aqua Robur Technologies. We have had the privilege of talking with Linnea Höglund, Head of Asset Management at Länsförsäkringar, to hear their thoughts and visions about our future together. What attracted you to invest in us? – We are impressed by Aqua Robur’s business […]

Aqua Robur Technologies utser Malthe Winje Automasjon som samarbetspartner i Norge

The new collaboration aims to enhance water and sewage monitoring in Norway. Norway has established high environmental standards and places strong emphasis on water quality, meaning that the water and sewage system must meet strict requirements for sustainability and performance. The country faces similar challenges to Sweden regarding water leakage and the need to modernize […]

Chalmers Ventures-bolaget Aqua Robur Technologies tillförs 16 miljoner kronor

Aqua Robur has conducted a new share issue of SEK 16 million. The proceeds from the share issue will be used to finance Aqua Robur’s international growth initiative. The share issue is guaranteed by Chalmers Ventures together with Länsförsäkringar Göteborg & Bohuslän, GAEU Ventures, Almi Invest, and Latour Future Solutions.   This share issue marks Aqua […]


Aqua Robur Technologies AB

Johan på Gårdas gata 5

412 50 Gothenburg


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